Company’s Policy



Our Goal:Zero Accidents. Safety is essential and MASCo. personnel is familiar with the latest technology and certified to the latest OHSE standards. In addition to complying with international standards, we also carefully study local legislation and other regulations before starting on a project and our customers well know we work safely and get the job done. MASCo. provides safety-training and instruction, we guarantee the safest possible innovative technology, cost-effective operations and strict working conditions. Our OHSE is responsible for the day-to-day management and standards and the training we provide to local personnel inspections. MASCo. provides. its own equipment, this Respect enables us to serve our customers quickly and effi-ciently and avoids delays.


At MASCo..Performance is the sole determinate of success, our employees are evaluated the measure of their performance and individual growth within the organization and hard work in rewarded. MASCo. previous experience projects are the evidence of the organization performance.


MASCo.. is committed to meetin and exceeding our client expectations, the company adheres to high standards for qualit assurance quality control health, safety. MASCo. projects are done according to the high quality assurance standards and we are keen to continue the level of the quality commitment in the future work projects.
Value 1


Conduct open and transparent relationships with our clients.
Value 1


To maintain a steadfast adherence to our code of ethics and corporate governance in all our dealings.
Value 2


Adapt and overcome all obstacles in the path of success
Value 2


Build a unified workforce through commitment and integrity. Foster good working relations and cultural awareness between foreign and domestic workers.
Value 3


Our commitment to safety is paramount of determining the success of a project.
Value 3


All accidents are preventable and we will always strive to reach Zero Harm on all projects. Implementation and continual review of our safety management plan is vital in achieving zero incidents.

We are a reliable service provider towards integrity of Oil & Gas industries

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